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      1 <!DOCTYPE html>
      2 <html lang="en">
      3 	<head>
      4 	<title>About Me | Lorenzo Cesana&#39;s Website</title>
      5 	<link rel="canonical" href="https://lorenzocesana.xyz/">
      6 	<link rel='alternate' type='application/rss+xml' title="Lorenzo Cesana&#39;s Website RSS" href='/index.xml'>
      7 	<link rel='stylesheet' type='text/css' href='/style.css'>
      8 	<link rel="icon" href="/favicon.ico">
      9 	<meta name="description" content="I am Lorenzo Cesana, a young Italian guy and I finally have my own site! I created this blog for many reasons (in no particular order):
     10 To have a personal site where I can keep track of my progress over the years.
     11 Even though one of the great passions of my life so far has been technology there&rsquo;s more to it than that! I am also a big fan of literature, music, film, politics, philosophy, pop culture, and so much more!">
     12 	<meta name="keywords" content="Personal">
     13 	<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1">
     14 	<meta name="robots" content="index, follow">
     15 	<meta charset="utf-8">
     16 </head>
     17 <body>
     18 <main>
     19 <header><h1 id="tag_About me">About me</h1></header>
     20 <article>
     22 <h3 id="i-am-lorenzo-cesana-a-young-italian-guy-and-i-finally-have-my-own-site">I am Lorenzo Cesana, a young Italian guy and I finally have my own site!</h3>
     23 <p>I created this blog for many reasons (in no particular order):</p>
     24 <ul>
     25 <li>
     26 <p>To have a personal site where I can keep track of my progress over the years.</p>
     27 </li>
     28 <li>
     29 <p>Even though one of the great passions of my life so far has been technology there&rsquo;s more to it than that! I am also a big fan of literature, music, film, politics, philosophy, pop culture, and so much more!
     30 I will use this personal part of the web of mine to express some of my own opinions and thoughts, hoping to stimulate some constructive discussion.</p>
     31 </li>
     32 <li>
     33 <p>To create (or at least try to) easy-to-follow guides for any person, mainly &ldquo;digital newbies&rdquo; or even more <a href="https://dictionary.cambridge.org/us/dictionary/english/tech-savvy">tech-savvy</a>, why not.<br>
     34 <em>(Of course, if you would like to see a specific topic explained feel free to reach me out!)</em></p>
     35 </li>
     36 </ul>
     37 <h2 id="general-info">General Info</h2>
     38 <p>Everything I offer is hosted by me on my own personal home server, I&rsquo;m a big fan of <a href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Self-hosting_(web_services)">self-hosted</a> and of course it&rsquo;s all free and usable by all, barring future catrastrophes that are hard to predict; also, should you want to use my instance of <a href="https://searx.lorenzocesana.xyz">Searx</a>, know that I don&rsquo;t keep track of any research done by users! This is because I consider personal privacy an indispensable right and also because I don&rsquo;t have industrial quantities of storage space to fill with various logs.</p>
     39 <p>I will do future articles where I elaborate more on my idea about personal privacy online, how to get it (or get as close as possible to this goal, spoiler: if you want to be anonymous on the internet the 100% right solution is <strong>DO NOT USE THE INTERNET!</strong>) and related topics.</p>
     40 <h2 id="how-to-navigate-the-site">How to navigate the site</h2>
     41 <p>From the <a href="https://lorenzocesana.xyz">main page</a> you can find a list of posts, some of my services open to the public for use and at the bottom of each page you will find my RSS Feed to stay updated (if you don&rsquo;t know what they are and how they work I have written a <a href="/rss">special guide</a>), along with my contact information.</p>
     42 <p>Also at the end of each post there will be a tag with one or more categories (Technology, Personal etc&hellip;), clicking on it will take you to a dedicated page with all the posts belonging to that category.</p>
     43 <h2 id="not-very-useful-info">Not very useful info</h2>
     44 <p>To run the this site I use <a href="https://gohugo.io/">HUGO</a>, a very convenient framework for static sites, with the <a href="https://github.com/LukeSmithxyz/lugo">lugo</a> theme customized to make my life easier and accordingly to my (<strong>horrible</strong>) taste.</p>
     45 <p>I have nothing more to add, so I invite you to explore my site and, if you want, give me direct feedback via email or message.</p>
     48 <div id="nextprev"><a href="/rss/"><div id="nextart">Next:<br>How I learned to Stop Worrying and Love RSS feeds</div></a>
     49 </div>
     51 	<div style="clear:both" class=taglist>Related<br><a id="tag_personal" href="https://lorenzocesana.xyz/tags/personal">Personal</a></div>
     54 </article>
     55 </main>
     56 <br>
     57 <br>
     58 <br>
     60 <footer>
     61 	<p>My contacts:</p>
     62 	<a href = "mailto: lorenzo@lorenzocesana.xyz" class=inline>Email</a><a href = "/LorenzoCesana-public.gpg" class=inline>GPG Key</a><a href = "https://matrix.to/#/@lc:matrix.lorenzocesana.xyz" class=inline>Matrix</a>
     63 	<br>
     64 	<br>
     66 	<a href="https://lorenzocesana.xyz/">https://lorenzocesana.xyz/</a><br><br><a href="/index.xml"><img src="/rss.svg" style="max-height:1.5em" alt="RSS Feed" title="Subscribe via RSS for updates."></a>
     70 </footer>
     72 </body>
     73 </html>