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tech_stuff_I_use.md (9774B)

      1 ---
      2 title: "Tech stuff I use"
      3 date: 2024-07-30T15:15:04+02:00
      4 tags: ['Personal', 'Technology']
      5 draft: false
      6 ---
      8 I generally try to use [FOSS](https://www.gnu.org/philosophy/floss-and-foss.en.html) software, here a non-complete and always-changing list:  
     11 ## OSs
     13 * [Parabola Linux](https://www.parabola.nu): Desktop
     14 * [Arch Linux](https://archlinux.org): Desktop if I need some non-free software (driver issues and **sometimes** some work-related stuff)
     15 * [Debian Linux](https://www.debian.org): Server (only the FOSS repos)
     16 * [OpenWRT](https://openwrt.org): Router
     17 * [GrapheneOS](https://grapheneos.org): Smartphone
     18 * [Quill OS](https://github.com/Quill-OS) (old InkBox OS): Kobo Nia
     21 ## Hardwares
     23 I have rarely been in the same place for many years so I usually prefer laptops, also I don't need a lot of power.  
     24 My main device is a Thinkpad X200 with [Libreboot](https://libreboot.org) and it's in great conditions, my secondary laptop (that I use for work) is a Thinkpad X250.  
     25 I also have a Dell G15 with a Ryzen 7 5800H and a RTX 3060; I rarely use it, mainly for gaming, running a "simple" AI stuff like [LLaMAC++](https://github.com/ggerganov/llama.cpp) or "mining" [Monero](https://www.getmonero.org).  
     27 I also buy/receive/find old computer (laptops, netbooks, pentium towers etc...), I usually clean and recover them, repair if needed and install Debian on a new SSD; after that I either sell or donate them if needed by someone (schools, churches...).
     28 Whenever possible I'll also install Libreboot on all supported hardware.  
     30 Smartphones are forged by the devil but I have a refurbished Pixel 6a with a custom ROM, I don't use it much, on a tipical week it last for like 4 days. It is starting to lag more than usual (let's thanks Google, famous for the poor quality of his devices) and, in the future, I could try switching to a [PinePhone](https://pine64.org/devices/pinephone) or in general something compatible with [Postmarket OS](https://postmarketos.org).
     32 A very cool thing that I have is the [Sensor-Watch](https://github.com/joeycastillo/Sensor-Watch) and also the [N-O-D-E](https://n-o-d-e.net) mods are great.
     34 My homeserver is a [ZimaBoard 432](https://shop.zimaboard.com/products/zimaboard-single-board-server) with 2 Western Digital SSD (2TB and 1TB); I thought it was not worth the price but it's working great and the power consumption is very low (I was using a random old pc before, this boars already re-payed itself with the saved electricity). I mainly choose it for the x86 processor. Of course I instantly deleted CasaOS and installed good ol' Debian.
     36 As a router I use a Fritz!Box 7520, found it for 30 euros, it support ADSL2 and latest OpenWRT release.
     38 I also have a strong interest in [Open Hardware](https://opensource.com/resources/what-open-hardware) and I would like to try something like the [MNT Reform](https://shop.mntre.com/products/mnt-reform), but for now I'm ok.
     41 ## Programs
     43 ### Daily
     45 * [dwm](https://dwm.suckless.org) and related [Suckless](https://dwm.suckless.org) stuff
     46 * [lynx](https://lynx.invisible-island.net): terminal based web browser with vim-like keybinds, just great
     47 * [librewolf](https://librewolf.net): the best "normal" browser
     48 * [keepassXC](https://keepassxc.org): I used [pass](https://www.passwordstore.org) in the past but I find KeepassXC easier to use across multiple devices. And no, there are **NO** alternatives to offline self-contained password managers.
     49 * [vim](https://www.vim.org): I tried [Emacs](https://www.gnu.org/software/emacs) but I still prefer Vim, not really sure why
     50 * [lf](https://github.com/gokcehan/lf): a great advantage of terminal application is that once you get used to them, they are comfortable and usable on a server
     51 * [remmina](https://remmina.org): having to manage a lot of SSH and sometimes some RDP connections daily I found remmina to be the *least bad* program.
     52 * [newsboat](https://newsboat.org): terminal-based RSS reader
     54 ### Media
     56 * [mpv](https://mpv.io) + [yt-dlp](https://github.com/yt-dlp/yt-dlp): Just the best player + a very cool downloader which works for a lot of websites (even though [curl](https://curl.se) works most of the time...)
     57 * [ncmpcpp](https://github.com/ncmpcpp/ncmpcpp): very cool and simple to use terminal music player
     58 * [vanilla music](https://vanilla-music.github.io): my god it was a pain to find a simple, offline and not subscription-based (or Spotify/Soundcloud frontend) Android music player that doesn't completely sucks. This works good.
     59 * [baresip](https://github.com/baresip/baresip): right now I work with SIP related stuff and this is great
     60 * [zathura](https://pwmt.org/projects/zathura): simple stupid PDF (and a lot of other formats) reader
     61 * [koreader](https://koreader.rocks): again, simple stupid application for e-reader in general. It just works.
     63 ### Server
     65 * [rsync](https://rsync.net): easy to setup with [cron](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cron) and keep every device in sync
     66 * [mergerfs](https://github.com/trapexit/mergerfs): great utility for a simple home server setup like the one I have
     67 * [nginx](https://nginx.org): very simple webserver to understand and configure.
     68 * [postgresql](https://www.postgresql.org): just the funny blue elephant DB
     69 * [wireguard](https://www.wireguard.com): a pretty good VPN. If you are using a non self-hosted one, you are doing it wrong.
     70 * [dovecot](https://dovecot.org): SMTP server, configured with [SpamAssassin](https://spamassassin.apache.org) 
     71 * [coturn](https://github.com/coturn/coturn): TURN server
     72 * [Matrix Synapse](https://github.com/matrix-org/synapse): Matrix server, I use this **obscene and unbearable** software just because I was looking for a self-hosted messagging solution and now I'm using it with an handful of users and mainly for the Whatsapp bridge. Administrating it is not **that** bad but the absurd amount of network request that you have to block in order to have a "private" experince is just unacceptable.
     73 Also there isn't even a single **decent** client.
     74 * [SearxNG](https://docs.searxng.org): great private search engine, and self-hosted!
     75 * [RSS-Bridge](https://rss-bridge.github.io/rss-bridge): I haven't been using it a lot lately, but it can be pretty useful
     76 * [Monero node](https://www.getmonero.org): I have the bandwith and the storage to run one (*pruned*), so why not?
     79 ## Other random stuff that I'm planning to try
     81 * [Proxmox](https://www.proxmox.com): I generally dislike virtualization since I see it as an over-engineered solution to a self-made problem (most of the time) but hey, maybe I'll change my mind
     82 * [OpenBSD](https://www.openbsd.org): well, gotta try it sooner or later...
     83 * [GNU Guix](https://guix.gnu.org): mostly out of curiosity
     84 * [tor](https://www.torproject.org): running a Tor node and serving this website through it would be nice
     85 * [i2pd](https://i2pd.website): Tor bul cooler (and safer). Same as tor, I'm planning to run a node
     86 * [XMPP](https://xmpp.org): the real best **extensible** chat protocol, still not sure which server to choose
     87 * [httpd](https://man.openbsd.org/OpenBSD-current/man8/httpd.8): seems cool and simple, I also personally don't use a lof of nginx advanced features
     88 * [Asterisk](https://www.asterisk.org): when you work with systems like [3CX](https://www.3cx.com) and [FreePBX](https://www.freepbx.org) at first they seems ugly, unpolished and you have no idea of what it's happening. When you understand them you start to appreciate solutions like those, excpecially in a business environment. I'm planning to have a pure Asterisk installation for personal use, but [Opensips](https://opensips.org) is also really cool.
     90 When I will try all of this? No idea.
     93 ## Stuff that I'll try to make myself!
     95 In tech, like a lot other things in life, complaining sounds good at first, but then you realize that you are doing no harm to anyone but yourself by not following the solution you want.
     97 So, since I have a love/hate relationship with some programs I'll try to code myself an alternative. Maybe they will suck at first, but that's the only way.
     99 * a [Postman](https://www.postman.com) alternative: how is it possible that there isn't a single FOSS application that replace Postman **WHITOUT** a subscription/cloud login based service?
    100 I know that there are application where this option is *not mandatory*, but I don't want it at all.  
    101 For now I'm using [Firecamp](https://firecamp.io) and I've tried [Insomnia](https://insomnia.rest), at least they are Open Source, but they are still sub-optimal
    102 * a [Dbeaver](https://dbeaver.io) alternative: I mean, it's ok, but I would like something more slick and not written in Java, since I had a lot of problems with jre and jdk libraries
    104 This is not to demigrate any project, it's just a great exercise to learn and understand technology. Of course you will find all of this software on my [git](https://cgit.lorenzocesana.xyz).
    107 ## Technology that I don't like
    108 * Proprietary software or non-free software in general.  
    109 * [Electron](https://electronjs.org). I hate it with passion. Don't use it. Don't use applications written in Electron. Please, just don't. It's really bad.
    110 * The new shiny stuff that you don't need. I try to buy used or even better, not buying and using what I already have.
    111 * I don't think smartphones are inherently bad, but a lot of time they *make the person who use it bad*. They completely kill social occasions most of the time.
    112 * VPNs companies and all their fake marketing. They are literally a scam. More on this in the future.
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    120 As said before, this is an always-expanding page and things may change/update. I will elaborate more on some points in dedicated posts.  
    121 Also if you have any suggestions or question please contact me!